You will learn how much you can borrow, understand the pros and cons between HDB and bank loans. Whether you can afford to upgrade to a Condo. Take home with you a specific timeline - when to move out of your current place and into your new home.
How will I receive the video?
After filling the form, you'll receive a personalised video detailing your potential property upgrading path. This video will arrive within 24 hours of your form submission.
I don’t think I’m ready to upgrade
That's perfectly ok! There are no obligations whatsoever. In fact, some clients only take action months later. The aim is to give you clarity on your options, opportunities, and financial implications, enabling you to make an informed decision when the time is right.
Can I have a more in-depth consultation after the video?
Definitely! The video provides a quick overview. For a deeper dive into your property decisions, feel free to schedule a face-to-face or Zoom consultation with us. We're here to ensure you're fully informed before taking the next step.